Effective early childhood programming requires a foundation of strong partnerships that underlie an integration of services, and a multidisciplinary approach that recognises the important role played by each partner in contributing to improved child outcomes.
AfECN focuses on supporting national networking that targets ECD actors from different sectors — across the public, private, and community spectrums — and supports the development and delivery of national plans.
Strategic Activities
Mobilise resources to support countries in conducting a mapping of all key ECD actors from different sectors spanning public, private and other non-state actors.
Mobilise financing to support the strengthening of existing and new networks and provide technical support in establishing a clear structure of governance."
Name of Network: ECDNek
Date of Establishment: September 2015
History: The Kenya ECD network (ECDNeK) was formed to fill a gap in the coordination of institutions and organizations dealing with the provision, capacity development, and advocacy of early childhood development in Kenya.
Membership is open to organizations working in the Kenyan ECD space. Founding members include Kenyatta University, World Vision Kenya, Aga Khan Foundation (East Africa) Save the Children International, International Child Resource Institute, Parenting In Africa, Kidogo, Little Rock, Build Africa, Research Triangle Institute (RTI) International KANCO, PATH, and Child Fund.
Key Achievements:
With funding from AfECN, developed a mapping of actors, experts and resources in the Kenyan ECD space
Developed a 5-year strategic plan for the period of 2017-2021
Actively participating in ongoing curriculum reforms through a policy review position paper for the national government
Engaged high-level government officials in relation to:
ECD Policy Review (Cabinet Secretary Education)
Legal framework (Senate Committee of Education)
County legal and policy makers (MCAs, Directors of ECD, CECs in Education)
Long-term Plans:
Influence an enabling policy environment for ECD
Influence increased investment and accountability for ECD through budget analysis
Strengthen the coordination of ECD initiatives through linking and developing the capacity of members and ECD stakeholders
Website: http://www.ecdnetworkforkenya.org/
Name of Network: Network of ECD of Lesotho
Date of Establishment: November 2016
History: The Network of ECD of Lesotho was founded in November of 2016 to advocate for effective ECD policy and practice in Lesotho. Membership is comprised of key stakeholders in the Lesotho ECD community.
Key Achievements:
Secured 20 members in less than 3 months of existence
Developed strong and collaborative relationships collaboration with high-level government officials and units
Developed a draft constitution
Established a board of trustees
Established a steering committee
Long-term Plans:
Increase capacity building efforts to properly manage funding
Further organizational development in relation to donor relations and fundraising
Increase networking and marketing of the organization globally
Name of Network: Liberia Early Childhood Professional Network
Date of Establishment: Currently undergoing registration
History: The Liberia Early Childhood Professional Network was founded by educators, but is comprised of a diversity of members including social worker, nutritionists, caregivers, private entrepreneurs, and health and dental professionals. The network is currently in the process of registering.
Key Achievements:
Contributed to the development of the “National Advocacy and Communication Strategy” for ECD in Liberia
Long-term Plans:
Raise ECD awareness
Work with communities to establish ECD centres
Serve as a watch dog for effective ECD practice
Train caregivers
Name of Network: The Malawi Early Childhood Development Coalition (ECDC)
History: The Malawi Early Childhood Development Coalition has a mandate to advocate for the delivery of quality ECD services for all children in Malawi. The network strives to fulfill its mandate through advocacy, research, capacity building, resource mobilization, monitoring and evaluation, and partnership for national development.
Membership is comprised of national and international NGOs, private institutions, civil society organizations, and individuals implementing early childhood development and education activities in the country. Membership is voluntary and based on annual subscription.
Key Achievements:
Played a significant role in advocating for increased budgetary allocation to the Department responsible for child development and education, securing and additional 900MK per year over the past three years
Long-term Plans:
Lobby for additional budgetary allocation for ECD
Advocate for increased access to quality early childhood services
Support capacity building of ECD practitioners at various levels
Promote parent education
Enhance community participation and ownership of ECD interventions
Provide technical support to ECD partners
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ECD-Coalition-Malawi-334392550356388/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecd_malawi
Name of Network: Early Childhood Development Network Mozambique
Date of Establishment: August 2014
History: The Mozambique Early Childhood Development Network was formed to advocate for comprehensive ECD services in Mozambique. Membership includes both national and international civil society organizations. as well as academic institutions. Sub branches of the network have also been established in Maputo, Gaza, Inhambane, Sofala, Manica and Tete.
Key Achievements:
Developed the network conceptual framework, action plan for 2015-2018, Facebook page and website
Established a common glossary of concepts and language among network members and ECD stakeholders in Mozambique
Hosted the third national ECD conference
Published an advocacy letter on the right to pre-school education
Created a joint working group of civil society organisations working in pre-school and INDE to centralize available tools
Long-term Plans:
Strengthen network capacity and improve the member participation
Map national ECD stakeholders, policies and resources
Improve knowledge management and exchange among members
Develop an advocacy strategy for a holistic national ECD policy
Strengthen resource raising capacity
Extend network representation countrywide
Name of Network: Foundation for the Promotion of Childhood Care and Development in Nigeria
Date of Establishment: December 2016
History: The Foundation for the Promotion of Childhood Care and Development in Nigeria is a conglomeration of over 70 ECD related NGOs, individuals, and experts with an ambition to undertake locally relevant activities benefiting Nigerian children. Membership is open to both organizations and individuals.
Key Achievements:
Facilitated the sponsorship of ECD activities in Lagos and Kwara states through the establishment of sound government and media contacts
Trained and provided support materials for 30 caregivers in the Southwest and North Central regions on ECD policy, resulting in increased teaching and learning performance levels
Developed and distributed advocacy materials that have effectively increased partnership in ECD and successfully engaged and educated government and media outlets on the topic
Cultivated a membership of over 70 NGOs and individuals
Officially registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria, Economic & Financial Crime Commission, and SCUML, the Special Control Unit against Money Laundering
Created a network logo that is ready for launch at national and state levels
Long-term Plans:
Develop a steering committee and a strategic plan
Building capacity in donor relations and fundraising activities
Establish a national ECD programme profile through advocacy, education, and the development of ECD resources for teachers and parents
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fpcd16
Name of Network: Rwanda Education NGO Coordination Platform (RENCP)
Date of Establishment: 2013
History: Rwanda Education NGO Coordination Platform (RENCP) was founded in 2013 to advocate for effective ECD policy and practice in Rwanda. Membership includes both national and international civil society organisations, as well as academic institutions.
Key Achievements:
Participated in the policy and strategy review as well as ECD minimum standards. (2015-2016)
Participated in the development of ECD curricula
Took part in the monitoring and evaluation of ECD services in Rwanda
Involved in the research of minimum cost standards for ECD
Conducted an advocacy training for members
Developed learning trips to share best practices
Conducted joint fundraising efforts among member organisations Participated in the Global Leaders Forum (ICRI)
Long-term Plans:
Increase capacity building and advocacy efforts to target inclusive ECD centre designs
Coordinate member advocacy efforts to increase budget allocation to ECD
Engage the Ministry of Education Build capacity of network members
Name of Network: National Network of Actors for ECD in Senegal (Renadape)
Date of Establishment: October 2015
History: RENADPE was founded to address disparities and the lack of diversity in ECD interventions in Senegal. The network was established on the basis of a discussion conducted during a regional workshop “Advancing the agenda for the development of Early Childhood in Africa” held in May, 2013. Great support and political will for the network is displayed in the Quality, Equity and Transparency Improvement Program (PAQUET 2013-2025), which supports the diversification of alternative models of ECD delivery for children ages 3-5.
Membership is guided by a steering committee and executive committee.
Key Achievements:
Organized a validation workshop based off of the founding texts of the network
Co-organized the forum on the contributions of ECD actors at the Summit for Education and Training
Conducted several Network Constituent General Assemblies
Organized multiple workshops on the development of yearly network action plans
Organized several workshops on strengthening the advocacy capacity of network members and government partners
Lobbied and advocated for the development of comprehensive ECD policy during the Presidential Council at the conclusion of the Summit for Education and Training
Held a press conference attended by 20 media outlets
Secured a grant from AfECN that allowed the mapping of ECD actors, experts, and a review of resources in Senegal
Participated in the launch of the Lancet review with the Prime Minister, National Agency of ECD, UNICEF, WB, UNESCO, and New York University
Participated in the national workshop for the general policy of education in Senegal
Participated in the ADEA Triennale
Long-term Plans:
Promote ECD throughout Senegal to increase access to quality ECD services
Create inter-sectoral collaboration and partnerships among ECD stake holders
Strengthen the capacity building of civil society organizations and ECD stakeholders
Strengthen national networking through formation of sub regional branches
Build the fundraising, organizational development, and donor relations capacity of the network
Website: www.renadpe.org
Name of Network: Swaziland Network for Early Childhood Development (SNECD)
Date of Establishment: June 2014
History: The Swaziland Network for Early Childhood Development (SNECD) was established as Global Leaders’ project, and implemented with the support of the World Forum Foundation for Early Care and Education. The network’s formation was necessitated by the lack of a national coordinating body for ECD in Swaziland. Membership includes organizations delivering ECD, training institutions, and individuals with interest in ECD.
Key Achievements:
Held a national, multi-sectoral conference on ECD
Created a mapping of ECD stakeholders and researchers in Swaziland
Developed a profile of ECD in Swaziland
Supported the development of an advocacy strategy for parents of children with disabilities
Developed a five-year strategy, action plan, and work plan
Organized monthly coordination meetings
Long-term Plans:
Promote ECD throughout Swaziland to increase access to quality services for all children
Create a platform for the exchange of ideas and strategies to share knowledge and improve on best practices
Promote ECD research and more widely disseminate findings to better link members of the network to global trends
Strengthen capacity and enhance collaboration of civil society organizations, government ministries, training institutions and ECD centers
Name of Network: Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN)
Date of Establishment: June 2004
History: The Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN) is an umbrella network of ECD civil society organizations that work in partnership to influence and change policies, programs, and practices impacting the holistic development of young children in Tanzania. Membership entails both local and international organizations working to improve the wellbeing of young children in the country. TECDEN is comprised of 238 member organizations organized into 18 regional chapters throughout the administrative regions of Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.
Key Achievements:
Recognized by the government as the representative of all ECD activities in the country
Established regional chapters in 18 administrative regions in both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar with a total of 238 member organisations
Led continuing advocacy for an integrated ECD policy
Advocated for inclusion of ECD activities in Mkukuta
Built ECD advocacy capacity of member organisations and stakeholders with local context in mind
Long-term Plans:
Promote ECD throughout Tanzania to increase access to quality ECD services
Create inter-sectoral collaboration and partnerships among ECD stakeholders
Strengthen national networking through the formation of sub-regional branches
Build the fundraising, organizational development, and donor relations capacity of the network
Name of Network: National Integrated ECD Secretariat Uganda
Date of Establishment: September 2016
History: The National Integrated ECD Secretariat Uganda was founded in 2016 to advocate for effective ECD policy and practice in Uganda. Membership includes government, civil society organisations, the private sector, and media.
Key Achievements:
Disseminated IECD policy to 26 of 116 local governments
Established a national ECD stakeholders forum
Conducted ECD advocacy campaigns at the community level
Integrated WASH curriculum in HFS, Schools
Incorporated ECD in national planning guidelines, national food security and nutrition guidelines
Long-term Plans:
Advocate for additional investment and accountability for ECD through budgetary analysis
Strengthen the coordination of ECD initiatives through capacity development of members and stakeholders
Building the capacity of the secretariat through organizational development
Name of Network: Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors (ZINECDA)
Date of Establishment: August 2012
History: The Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors (ZINECDA) was founded to address the lack of standardization of services, infrastructure and other facilities for early childhood development in Zimbabwe. The formation of the network grew from an idea put forth by the Nhaka Foundation. Four founding members serve as the network's trustees, including the Nhaka Foundation, the Child Protection Society, the Child Resource Institute of Zimbabwe and the J.F Kapnek Trust. ZINECDA is registered Trust, MA 974/2012, with the four organizations as founding Trustees. Membership of the network has grown from to over 152 members countrywide.
Key Achievements:
Initiated an exploration of network members’ synergies, strengths and weaknesses
Participated in a multi-stakeholder platform to bring funding partners and government together to discuss ECD funding and programming
Developed a Standards, Guidelines and Procedures Manual to guide centres in fulfilling their mandates and promote efficiency in their registration and statutory compliance
Developed a mapping of ECD actors, resources and experts
Engaged key stakeholders at sub-national and local levels in ECD policy dialogues
Long-term Plans:
Strengthen the coordination of ECD initiatives through linking and developing the capacity development of members and ECD stakeholders
Foster a healthy, enabling environment for the development of sound ECD policy
Website: www.zinecda.org